Tuesday, June 10, 2014

January 27th, 2014

Hey Family,
Dang I wish I could send a video but I tried sending videos before and it never seems to work with myldsmail.net.  I'm not sure why but I guess the mission doesn't want us to be sending too much stuff and get a bunch of videos from home.  I'm not sure how Jonathan Kaufman did it for Patrick though. Maybe I'll have to send my whole sd card home but I'm scared of getting the same problem that Chris had where they all got erased.  But myldsmail only allows 3 pictures at a time which is weird.  Oh well I'll make sure to send him something nice before he gets married.  I'm super excited to hear about all the stuff he's been doing and how he has such a strong desire to get sealed in the Lord's house.   I really love how Ephesians talks a lot about marriage and how men must love their wives as Christ "loved the church and gave himself for it" Ephesians 5:25.

But this week has been good.   We set Laton up for a baptismal date for the 8th. I hope it happens because my companion never had a baptism in this area and it seems to be a pretty solid ward we're serving in.  We've been finding a lot this transfer and my comp is wondering what we're doing differently than what they were doing before.  He told me that before he wasn't so focused on the investigators as he was more focused on teaching lessons.  Preach my gospel pg.135 is probably one of my favorite pages in the book because Elder Holland makes this bold and loving statement that has helped me love more the people that I teach and see what they need most.  I've loved learning out here in the mission this far and seeing others grow in the gospel.  It's been such a rewarding experience.  One of my favorite things to do is to treasure up the words of the Savior and see how he loves the people.  Because that's what the gospel is.  It's a gospel of love and if we "Have a love of God and of all men" and "Endure to the end" the Father promises us eternal life which is one of the greatest promises that I've applied in my life.  It's helped me love the people around me more and left me filled with the best spirit you could ever feel as a missionary. It's up to us though as members of Christ's church to spread that love because there are so many people out there that are kept from that love cause they "know not where to find it".
Well that's about everything that happened this week.  Hope to hear from you guys next week.
Love you guys!

Elder Justin Gagnon

January 13th, 2014

Hey Family,
This week was great!  We found this less active family who's looking to get back into the church and said they would like to meet with us 3 times a week. She had broken up with her husband and so she didn't feel to good about the church the past while, they also said that their 10 year old son wanted to get baptized but he was 7 when they were active in the church, so they never got around to it but now he's 10 and he said he still wants to get baptized but he said we should teach him cause he doesn't remember too much about the church.  We found two families like that this week, so our finding efforts are paying off this week.  We've been a bit shaky on teaching maybe just because she has a lot of anti-Mormon room mates that she's living with so that may not be the best influence on her.  If we do get in with her again we'll see what influence her friends will have on her and if she really wants this for herself.  She'll make a great member of the church though if she joins,  so I keep her in my prayers often.  There wasn't too much that happened this week but the computer is probably going to shut down soon because of the crazy hail we're getting out side right now.   The lights are flickering like crazy right now.... not sure how long it will last.
Love you guys!
Elder Gagnon
                                                   Bishop Holthe and Elder Gagnon


January 6th, 2014 - Transferred to Lethbridge!

Hey Family,
I would have liked everyone to guess just to make it interesting but oh well!   Mom guessed Medicine Hat, ask Dad, Andrew and Chris to guess before you tell them where I'm at.  So... I'm in Lethbridge, serving in the west Lethbridge stake in the Mountain Heights ward.  It's a pretty sweet ward.  I'm serving with Elder Eastus and he's from Vernal, Utah.  I'm his second companion and he just finished the 12 week program, I'm pretty close to Magrath as well. I was super excited to hear that I was going back to the south again.   At the transfer station the Assistance to the President asked me if I knew where Lethbridge was and I said "yep" so they handed me keys to a Subaru and told me to get some missionaries and leave.  So I did that really quickly.  We stopped at Clairsholm in between cause they have the missions famous chicken.  It's probably the best fried chicken I ever had!  We got it when I first came out and so we just had to have some again.  The ward is good though.  They're really down for doing missionary work. We picked up an investigator yesterday.  Her name is May and she's from China.  We picked her up when we had our dinner appointment last night and she's super nice.  We invited her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and she said she'll do it.  We've also been praying for her and hope the next time we meet her she found out it's true.  So that was a miracle find this week.  The apartment though is in a basement but not of a members house.  The people who live upstairs are non-members but not interested.  I found it funny because we live in a community called Laval in Lethbridge and it reminded me of the Laval from home.  The apartment gets really cold in the mornings though cause we're in a basement.  But we called the housing people right away to come with an electric heater.  Oh I also found at the apartment a new set of scriptures that my companion didn't want and had no clue who they belonged to so he said I can have them, so I took them and study from them every day.  They're still not as good as those ones that I showed you guys but they do the job and they are like new which is nice.  Well that's about it for this week but don't tell Dad or Andrew where I'm at until they guess.
Love you guys!
Elder Gagnon
Hope you like the pics. One of them is of me and Elder Fitamont who just got home to Montreal not too long ago.
                                                    Chee Wee and Elder Gagnon

                                                   Elder Fitamont and Elder Gagnon


December 31st, 2013 **Getting Transferred!!**

Hey Fam,
I'm getting transferred back south of the mission again and I'm so excited.  I think I might either get transferred to Medicine Hat, Brooks, Taber or BC.  I don't think I'll go to Lethbridge, it's a possibility though.  You should look at the mission map and predict where I'm going and I'll tell you where I am in a week.  It'll be fun!  Just to let you know that south of the mission is anywhere south of High River (High River is not south though) and anywhere in BC, and Med Hat or Lethbridge.  I also got word a couple days ago that some of the investigators that we were teaching in Cardston got baptized which was great to hear!  I knew they would get baptized but a lot of them would just take a while.
I also managed to talk to Minerva for a bit but I couldn't hear her cause I was looking at a screen . But it was super cool seeing her though for the first time.  Me and Andrew hung out for a while though and I tried telling him to take me to certain people but he just stared at me and drooled the whole time.  It was funny though seeing him again and being able to make the jokes we used to make.
The Old Testament is going to be great though,  I love all the symbolism that it has.  Oh and did I ever tell you that one of my favorite books in the scriptures is Isaiah? I also love the story in 2Kings ch.5 where Naaman dips in the River Jordan 7 times to be cleansed from leprosy. Or when Abraham almost sacrifices his son Isaac.  The savior is mentioned almost everwhere in the Old Testament we just need an open heart to find where He is.  I hope you have fun teaching it though and can't wait to hear from you guys next week.
Love Elder Gagnon
Hope you like the pics!


December 24th, 2013

Hey family,
Well I guess I'll answer all your questions tomorrow during the big Skype call, love you guys. :D
Elder Gagnon
Here's some pics though. hope you like them....

December 17th, 2013

Hey family,
Sorry I didn't get a chance to E-mail you the other day, there was a lot of stuff happening the other day.  Like first we had to get our car fixed which took forever because the brakes on the car got shot and the place we took it to was also not the quickest.  When it was all done we then got a call to give a blessing so all of our P-day got shot, we really had no time for anything.  Oh well the Lord blessed us though because as we were going to the hospital we ran into a man who moved her from Africa who we just talked to and said he'd been taught 1 time by the missionaries but he moved here so he hadn't seen them since.  So we asked him if we could share more with him and he accepted!   He also said he has a family and they've been reading the Book of Mormon after their first visit with the missionaries. His name is Chris Ozoh and he's super nice.  We also picked up another guy this week. His name is Amier and he's Muslim but he likes LDS ideas and is happy when we visit him.  One of our potential investigators also found us someone that we're going to meet in the New Year because she said the holidays are keeping her busy.  So the work has picked up a lot in the past week. I'll probably be gone New Year's day though so I might not be around for all the good stuff that's happening.  I've been serving here though for about 6 months now and loved every day of it though. In past areas it was hard to street contact and tract because of all the Mormons that lived around, who knows maybe they'll just transfer me within Calgary so I can get permission to see some of the baptisms that happen after I leave.  Kelsey is also doing well and we'll probably set a baptismal date with him this week.
Christmas is pretty close though and can't wait to see you guys the next week. Today was also district meetings.  Oh and this transfer Elder Fitamont is going home to Montreal and you should ask Patrick or his wife when he'll be landing so you can see him. He is such a great Elder and has developed into a great servent of the Lord as he's gone through his mission.
Love you guys!
Elder Gagnon

December 9th, 2013

Hey family,

This year we decorated the apartment a little bit for Christmas, we have some lights we put in the front of the balcony and we just leave them on. Elder Averett got a small Christmas tree and put it on our eating table. It's a small Christmas tree though, it's like 1/2 a foot, but it does the job.  Unfortunatly there's no choir this year in our ward.  Music is just not as good here in Calgary as it is in Montreal, but there was a stake choir thing the past week at the stake center which was nice. We also had our ward christmas party this past week and there was a lot of members bringing their  friends which was nice because we got to meet a lot of people. The ward has improved quite a bit with their member misionary work.   Oh and we picked up a new investigator this week, his name is Kelsey and we found him through a less active member. He told us that whenever we visit he feels something so we invited him to learn about the gospel and he accepted and came to church and he loved it. We'll probably invite him to be baptised the next lesson because he's so prepared. Right now it looks like transfers are the 1st of January and it looks like my time in the Bow Valley ward is coming to an end. It's been fun though and seeing the people that I've met grow in the gospel.  What's really been fun is seeing the ward's faith in missionary work grow as well because there are so many people that the members are working with.  We're probably going to pick up a couple new investigators this week.  One of them is Amier and he came to church once but the Spanish Sisters in the north stake have been teaching him and he doesn't even speak Spanish.  When we followed up with them it had been about 1 month later and he hadn't been to church since.  So then I was a tad frustrated because they've been teaching him for a month and never came to church.  We'll probably start teaching him this week and get him to church the coming Sunday.  Seems like the work is really starting to pick up again and I'll probably be leaving when everything happens but oh well!  Oh and for the Skype call I'll probably call you a couple days before and set it up for Christmas Day. It will probably be a skype call because that will be a lot better and President doesn't give time limits on skype calls because they cost nothing.
Well that's about it that happened for this week.

Love you guys,
Elder Gagnon